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Jessica's Blog
As Spirit delivers messages through me, for you... I will record them below.
Take what resonates & share it as you feel called. With Gratitude, Jessica.

Feb 6, 20242 min read
Consultations and custom blends to create life changing shifts ✨
If you feel easily overwhelmed, sensitive, indecisive, and find it hard to feel safe in your body and TRUST, this is for you... You...

Feb 6, 20241 min read
The power of Flower Essences
When we use vibrational medicine on our healing and awakening path, our prayers and intentions become amplified and the frequencies of...

Feb 6, 20242 min read
Breaking free of collective systems of oppression by starting with ourselves
If we want to break free of systems of oppression and exploitation and create new systems, new communities and new ways of being on the...

Feb 6, 20242 min read
My personal journey and transformation with flower essences
For many years before I began using flower essences, I kept getting stuck in deep repeating depression cycles. I had no energy, felt...

Feb 6, 20241 min read
Addressing the subtle realms with flower essences to create life changing shifts
Everything starts in the energetic body and then manifests physically in our external reality. Change doesn’t happen by forcing yourself...

Aug 18, 20221 min read
Differentiating our energy from others with Yarrow
I’ve been mad attracted to yarrow lately...these babes have flooded my life recently and I’m getting them in the ground today! 🌱🌞...

Aug 8, 20221 min read
Peach Rose
Message received: ✨“Use me when you feel harsh and critical towards yourself”✨ Description: This soft beauty carries a gentle yet...

Aug 8, 20221 min read
Red Rose
If you are feeling shut down and defeated your heart is shut down and hurting. If you are feeling on edge, irritable, and over the state...

Jul 31, 20222 min read
Nature, Theta & Jessica
Who am I? And Why am I here? Once upon a time... In a beautiful, fresh new world... there was a person filled with love, hope and beauty....
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